Our beaches are getting worse and becoming more polluted, because people don’t think about the repercussions for leaving plastic on our beaches. People can be heartless and bring cans, plastic bags, packaged food, plastic bottles and so much more, and just drop them on the sand, because they are too lazy to put it in a bin or just to carry it once they get home.
Sea creatures are dying because they eat, choke and even get stuck in plastic rubbish that people are leaving everywhere. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
Our beaches, ALL beaches are getting trashed with OUR rubbish. Maybe you were just walking with your friends and you finished a bag of chips but you can’t find a bin anywhere, so you just drop it on the ground, but you only did it just that once, so you think that it won’t make a difference. Well it does!
Say you wanted a new phone and it was $1500 but you only had $1499 that last dollar would matter. Just like money, even the one time you littered, the wind could have pushed that piece of rubbish down to the beach and out to sea. Then a sea turtle came across it and it got stuck in it. What happened then?
We need to stop being so clueless about where we put out rubbish! Beaches everywhere are BEAUTIFUL! What would you do if one day you were walking past your favourite beach and it had been closed down and our birds and sea life were getting killed because of how much rubbish was getting tossed everywhere?
If we all work together I bet we could stop ruining our beaches! Who knows what we could do if we all put our heads together and stop using our beaches as bins? I can confess I have littered in the past, but that was before I learnt about our world and how people who litter are changing the way of life.
The world we live in is crumbling around us because of Global Warming, littering, smoke, plastic, and a whole lot more. If we don’t act fast then the world could die… With us along with it.
I know that changing lifestyles just like that is difficult for some people but here are ways you can start helping:
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three "R's" to conserve natural resources and landfill space,
Conserve water. The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean,
Shop wisely. Buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag,
Plant a tree. Trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and help combat climate change.
Please help me save our beautiful beaches. Think before you litter!
I think I did a great job at the amount of time and work I put into this.
I think I could improve the way I structured my writing.